The Empathy of Patience: Michael F. Rohde Tapestries at SLOMA

Board member Michael F. Rohde has a solo exhibition opening at the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art. The Empathy of Patience will be on view starting January 25, 2019. Check out the wide variety of work Michael has completed at SLOMA until March 17, 2019.

From SLOMA’s website:

It only took seeing three of Michael F. Rohde’s tapestries at the San Luis Obispo Museum of Art’s 2013 exhibition of Tapestry Weavers West, to know that if SLOMA could possibly give him a solo exhibition someday, that our Museum visitors could have the special privilege of seeing this world class weaver’s subliminal texture and his masterful interaction of light and color for themselves.

Serendipity came into play and the stars aligned, not only to bring The Empathy of Patience to SLOMA’s Gray Wing January 25—March 17, 2019, but also to spare his collection from the destructive Woolsey Fire that threatened Rohde’s studio and home in Thousand Oaks this past November.

Other Events during the exhibition:

Opening Receptions: February 1 and March 1, 6-9pm
Artist Talk: February 7 at 12pm

A catalog is available at the Musuem or by contacting Michael:

More information can be found here.


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