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Harnessing the Healing Art of Thread
From an MRSA Quilt to a Plague Dress, how artists are transforming the intersection of medicine and textiles
Apartogether by Liza Lou - A Communal Art Project
Los Angeles-based artist, Liza Lou, has invited other artists and the general public to join her in a communal art project titled “Apartogether.”
Masks: Information and Tutorials
Links to articles and resources for making masks, supporting third party makers, and where/how to distribute. We welcome constructive comments and additional resources.
Weaving Stories: The Narrative Power of Contemporary Fiber Art
“A wide, sensual array of materials, methods, and imagery are being employed to engage viewers and encourage dialogue… Artists are questioning socio-political systems, exposing atrocities and advocating for civil rights.”
Produce Boxes to Support Local Farms
We’ve been obsessed with finding fresh produce, and keeping our local farmers and local economies healthy (economically and socially). Here are some alternative sources for your weekly grocery run.
Studio Visit with Echiko Ohira
Craft Contemporary launched a new website. One of the features are beautifully photographed artist studio tours.
Bookshop: An Indie Alternative to Amazon
Bookshop is an online bookstore with a mission to financially support independent bookstores and give back to the book community.
Coloring Sheets from the Getty
With a title like this, do we need to say more? Link through for a high brow way to be artsy and meditative.
Getty's African American Art History Initiative
The Getty Research Institute recently launched an initiative committed to collecting materials from African Americans (including Betye Saar!) photo of LeRonn Brooks by Kay Hickman
2,500 Museums You Can Now Visit Virtually
Have a computer and an internet connection? Explore collections from museums all over the world.
6 tools that are more powerful than to-do lists for productivity
The insights here invite you to orient yourself to your aspirations and well being, to think not what do I have to do, but why and how. It’s time to re-orient ourselves in closer alignment with our purpose.
Now Is When We All Learn to Darn Our Socks Again
The NYT discusses mending, including quotes from Kate Sekules of #marchmend, Katrina Rodabaugh, and more.
How the world’s largest textile fair is making sustainability its top priority
Sustainability is a growing interest, even before the radical changes wrought by the pandemic.
Yoshiko Jinzenji: 76-Year-Old Japanese Quilt Artist
My friend KB shared this article with me, from The Apollo Box. Yoshiko is well known as a bamboo dyer - her kitchen home is swoon-worthy.
Betty Saar: The Groundbreaking Artist Who’s Not Slowing Down at 93
This 8 minute film on Betty Saar is beautiful! She is interviewed and narrates the film, while we see image after image of her work, clips from reviews, photos of exhibits
Fiber Is A Medium Both In And Out Of Crisis
How can a medium that appears so frequently in contemporary artists’ practices, whatever their material background, be in such decline? Perhaps fiber isn’t a medium in crisis at all but a taxonomy in crisis.
National Craft Innovation Hub
Serving as a creative destination and resource for artists, researchers, curators, and the community, this innovative hub includes expanded galleries, event and meeting spaces, and coworking space serving the creative sector.
Part 3: Weaving Herstory: Messages from the Heart of Sarah Haskell
The newest blog series by Jamia Weir, featuring an exclusive interview with Sarah Haskell! This is the final of three parts.