Apartogether by Liza Lou - A Communal Art Project
Liza Lou in her studio, with “Sunday Morning" (2019), oil paint on woven glass beads and thread on canvas.Credit: Liza Lou and and Lehmann Maupin, New York, Hong Kong, and Seoul; Zihui Song (via this NY Times article)
Los Angeles-based artist, Liza Lou, has invited other artists and the general public to join her in a communal art project titled “Apartogether.” This project has been in the works for about a month, and asks folks to gather old clothes and materials from around their living spaces to create a “comfort blanket.” More information on how to participate can be found here.
You can view this process on Instagram, both on her account (@liza_lou_studio) and on the project’s account (@apartogether_art).
Works-in-progress, along with the Instagram Livestreams, are also archived on the website apartogether.com.
“I’ve had my childhood comfort blanket my entire life—at this point, it’s a tattered rag. It speaks to me of love and loss and the magical thinking of a child who believed that if she had it in her arms, nothing bad could happen. It’s inspired me want to make another one, and I’d like to invite you to make one of your own.” —Liza Lou