Shoshana Wayne Gallery is pleased to announce tomorrow is just a thought, Terri Friedman’s third solo exhibition with the gallery.
Terri Friedman’s work responds to internal and external uncertainty through woven tapestries. Seeing the act of weaving as a unification of warp and weft – or left and right brain – Friedman attempts to weave new neural pathways on her loom and in her brain, combatting a climate of anxiety and instability with fiber. The human brain is wired for negativity and catastrophe, with our fight or flight responses being our first reaction to anxiety. Neuroplasticity and the brain’s ability to repair neural pathways has informed Friedman’s work. If tomorrow is just a thought, then Friedman encourages viewers to ask themselves ‘what can go right?’ instead of considering what will go wrong.
Opening Reception:
Saturday, September 23, 4-6pm, Artist Terri Friedman will be at the opening reception.
Tuesday - Saturday
11am to 5pm