Mounira Al Solh at Sfeir-Semler Gallery in Beirut

The Mother of David and Goliath featured work by Mounira Al Solh, with a concentration on women rights, women stories and their position in History in the Arab region. Work on view includes embroidered tents and quilts, a new series of paintings, and a film investigating the historical unrest in the region.

Al Solh has been drawing and telling stories from one-on-one conversations with those in her neighborhood. She has created over 500 drawings documenting the testimonies of refugees and exiled individuals and families. This research project inspired the embroidered tents and quilts, following the traditions of women practices in all civilizations, with a focus on Arab traditions.

More info and photos can be found here.


Faith Ringgold at the Serpentine Gallery in London


Field to Fashion in Acadiana