The Migrant Quilt Project

Artists, quiltmakers and activists contribute to The Migrant Quilt Project as a way to express compassion for migrants from Mexico and Central America. This grassroots project, started by Jody Ipsen, commemorates those who lost their lives in the Southern Arizona desert. The materials used in these quilts were collected at migrant layup sites that were used for rest and shelter on established trails in the Sonoran Desert. The Migrant Quilt Project has been funded in part by the American Quilt Study Group Endowment Grant.

The Migrant Quilts are featured in Broken Threads, Lives Unraveled: Fuentes Rojas and the Migrant Quilt Project at the University of Arizona Poetry Center until April 20, 2019. There are also Migrant Quilts on view in Los Desconocidos at the International Quilt Study Center and Museum at the University of Nebraska, Lincoln from March 15 - June 27, 2019.

Donation and more information on the project can be found here.


John Dowell's photographs in Cotton: The Soft, Dangerous Beauty of the Past


Measures of Constriction at K.OSS Contemporary Art