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Aboubakar Fofana discussed his background, technique, and his controversial exhibit at Documenta 14.
DUALITY, by Amabelle Aguiluz
Amabelle Aguiluz's new show, Duality, addresses questions of light v dark and creation v destruction.
Michael Rohde in Hand/Eye
Michael Rohde's work is featured in a recent issue of Hand Eye's online magazine.
Mimi Haddon: A Talk with the Artist
Mimi Haddon is a bright talent, a woman who wears many creative hats: textile artist, photographer, designer. Read our first artist interview here!
Fiber Trails, Cameron Taylor-Brown, thru Nov 5
Cameron Taylor-Brown's exhibit will be on display at The Branch Gallery thru Nov 5!
STRANDS with Amabelle Aguiluz
Amabelle Aguiluz's Strands, a multi-media performance at the Helms Bakery Complex.
Sew Together Lounge
Wonder who rented that fab retail space we posted about in May? ;) A new fabric resource + a budding community!
First in a series of unusual materials, rounded up from Interior Design's monthly MCXMatter column.
Mindful Awareness Meditation
To best access our creative energy, we need to practice the art of slowing our "monkey mind" and allowing our deeper selves to bubble to the surface.
Textiles from Recycled Plastic
Stella McCartney and Parley team up to use plastic recycled from the ocean.
Teresa Lanceta at the Biennale
Handmade artisanal textiles are, in her eyes, an impressively long-lived artistic genre, a means of transmission and constant enrichment of our aesthetic language.
The Mending Project: Lee Mingwei
From Lee Mingwei's The Mending Project at the Biennale in Venice, 2017.
Frau Fiber Russian Hippie Ponchos
Frau Fiber’s Sewing Rebellion met to discuss – and make – ponchos at the WENDE MUSUEM in Culver City, Saturday June 3.