Patrick Dougherty at LBMOA
Patrick Dougherty has created a site-specific willow installation at the Long Beach Musuem of Art. He worked with local volunteers, his son, and the Museum staff and docents. Intricately weaving hundreds of willow saplings, Dougherty has shaped monumental, earthly sculptures. This special outdoor sculpture is supported in part by the Pasadena Art Alliance, who have supported Southern California artists, exhibitions, educational programs, and art-oriented, non-profit institutions for over 64 years.
Buddy Buddy is on view currently at the museum. More information can be found here.
Image from the Long Beach Post article on Buddy Buddy: “Brian Pritchard volunteers as he separates willow branches for Patrick Dougherty, sculptor, for what is called Stickwork on his latest installation at the Long Beach Museum of Art on Tuesday, Feb.19, 2019. Photo by Thomas R. Cordova.”