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How to Explore Potholder Designs with Desmos

Julie Hue is holding an online workshop on how to use the program Desmos to explore woven loop pot holder designs. In this two hour class, you’ll use Desmos to try loop colors, resize a chart to match your loom size, get row-by-row weaving instructions, and adjust the settings so the chart will look good on your device. You’ll also learn to make your own coloring shortcuts so you can change all the loop colors by changing just a few. 

As Julie notes:
"I love getting requests for charts. Some people want to try colors, and some want weaving instructions. Whatever the need, it’s always a joy to help a fellow weaver.

I shared my first programs so people could try colors in a variety of patterns. I thought it would end there, but then some people said they can’t read charts. That put me on a mission to make every pattern weaveable for them, so I added weaving instructions to the programs.

Learning Desmos has been a fun adventure for me, but it has been truly rewarding to hear people’s stories and see the potholders that Desmos made possible for them."

To take part in this class you'll need:
- A large-screen device such as a tablet or laptop. That’s the device you’ll use to work in Desmos.
- A second device or the ability to split the screen or use a second tab. You’ll use the second device or tab to listen and see what I do so you can copy it for your own design. 


To register and more information

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