Ane Crabtree Designs Costumes for Bot Herders and Drone Shepherds in New Film Planet City

Renowned artist and costume designer Ane Crabtree’s work is featured in upcoming short film, Planet City, by architect Liam Young. Crabtree along with an international cast of designers, including Textile Arts LA member Aneesa Shami, have worked to develop an intricate and surreal collection of that conveys character and mystifies identity.

The film imagines a techno-utopian fantasy in which the 10 billion inhabitants of planet earth reside in one centralized multilayered, multicultural city, creating an extreme reversal of urban sprawl. The costumes describe characters form algae divers to bot herders and urban beekeepers. Designs utilize both recycled and custom made textiles, referencing a multitude of historical eras and techniques.

To read further and view the work, link to the article form Dezeen magazine below:


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