Study Hall LA: Textiles, Circularity, Sustainability

The LA fashion scene, students, and parties from related industries gathered at the Ace Hotel Theatre Sunday to talk about sustainable literacy, the circular economy, denim production, recycling, upcycling, food waste, changing attitudes, and more.

The conf covered a lot of ground, as my brief intro belies, and some key points included the list below. We'll be exploring these issues as they relate to the LA textile industry at our MINDFUL MATERIALS Summit September 15. More info here!

  • economic policy is really about the relationship between myself and others

  • emotional durability

  • average consumer bought 60% more clothes in 2014 than 2000 and yet kept them half as long

  • the addition of "refuse" to the 3 Rs of reduce, reuse, recycle

  • gentrified sustainability

  • how today's textile trade overlays yesterday's colonialism routes

  • 1% of textiles are being recycled back into textiles

  • 1 in 6 people on the planet work in fashion, in one form or another

Event host Celine Semaan of The Library addresses some of the obstacles she's discovered in establishing a global standard for sustainability.




Scraps: Fashion, Textiles, and Creative Reuse


Accumulating Mountains of Things