Textile Residency in Iceland

Barbara Bryn Klare, one of our founding members, created a body of work titled Iceland :: blue. When looking into the source of her inspiration I discovered she had participated in a residency (in Iceland, of course). One link led to another and here below is pasted a paragraph from a short interview / review about the program:  

Tucked away in a remote corner of Iceland, in the scenic seaside Northwestern town of Blönduós, the Icelandic Textile Center is one of few in the world offering residencies devoted to textiles and fiber art. Accommodations are fairly spartan and dormitory style (this was once a women’s crafts college)—offering single beds, a desk, and closet space—but the views are spectacular.  The large studio is shared with six or seven other residents, who all use the kitchen facilities to prepare meals with staples from a nearby grocery store.

The fee is approximately $800 for the month, including accommodations. Residents pay their own airfare and bring their own supplies. 

The brief review of the Center and an interview with Barbara Bryn Klare, who attended in November 2016, is available at Vasari 21, here.

The website for the Icelandic Textile Center, including information about the residency and the application, is here.  Applications are accepted year round and are awarded on a rolling basis.




Residency: The Bemis Center for Contemporary Arts


Artist-in-Residency: ARROWMONT