Fiber Trails, Cameron Taylor-Brown, thru Nov 5

Fiber Trails features work by Los Angeles fiber artist, Cameron Taylor-Brown. This exhibition contains several series of artwork inspired by her journeys and includes Red Offerings (Bhutan), Majestic Stone (Peruvian Highlands), Colors of Gujarat (India) and LAVAfolds (Galapagos Islands, Ecuador). Taylor-Brown’s creative expression encompasses mixed media fiber collage, weaving and site-specific installation.  

“Fiber Trails celebrates the rich heritage and international language of textiles. Where there are people there is cloth. When I travel, I seek out textiles and their makers and am inspired by the diverse cultures and varied landscapes I encounter.”  - Cameron Taylor-Brown

About Cameron Taylor-Brown

Cameron Taylor-Brown studied fiber art at the University of California, Berkeley with artist Ed Rossbach and textile design at the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science. She worked in New York City as a fabric stylist, taught textile design at the Philadelphia College of Textiles and Science (now Philadelphia University) and worked as an exhibition curator. Since 1985, Taylor-Brown has lived in Los Angeles where she is active in arts and education. She is a board member of the Fowler Textile Council, and was a past President of California Fibers and Designing Weavers. She recently founded ARTSgarage, a textile resource center in Los Angeles. Her work is widely exhibited and has been featured in Fiber Art Now, American Craft and Shuttle, Spindle and Dyepot. She teaches workshops throughout the United States and Canada.


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